Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So much for THAT good mood

Hmmm... I haven't been writing for awhile, with many factors contributing to the situation. Mainly school and my parents. Here's the highlights from what I missed writing about...

Recently a deer broke into my dads workplace. Although it was successfully herded out of the building, it pretty much got it's blood everywhere, courtesy of the window it broke getting in. 

That's really the big one... Now onto current events. 

So I had a pretty good day at school today. Went to my classes and was even told to chew gum in chemistry. Went to Radio Magruder and we got done with what needed to happen there and had a good time doing it. Then came Mom to take me and my brother home... She must be in a bad mood or something cause all we got from her was sarcasm and attitude. Not cool mom. She snapped at my brother for just now informing her that he has a concert next week, which is understandable. But then she gets angry with me all of a sudden because of  two new zeros in chemistry that I didn't know about untill just now when she told me. Really mom? You may have been home all day with nothing better to do than stare at edline, but I haven't gotten a chance to see it all day. 

Sent from my iPod

Sunday, October 3, 2010

FML Right Now

Wow, my parents must hate me or something. Because no matter what I do it's wrong and met with either offensive sarcasm, or yelling. I can't even get up and enjoy breakfast without them yelling at me. So I've decided that for the rest of today, I am going to sit in front of my door so that no one can open it, unless I decide to go jump out of my window (Second story). Yeah, I may be a bit easily aggravated today, but you know what? That doesn't change the fact that when I get yelled at to do something, and do it, I shouldn't be yelled at because I didn't do something else at the same time! I'm done f****** around with empty threats of this kinda s***. I'm going through with this one, no matter how hungry I get, or how much I have to pee, I'm not moving all day. You can't tell me what to do with my life and how I should be spending my time. NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE "PRODUCTIVE" DAD!!!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Half-Day to today!

Whoops, I forgot to post yesterday... Oh well, not like this is an obligation...

Well, I am currently sitting at home alone, my brother is out at a soccer game... And everyone else in the family always goes... I really don't like watching sports too much, so it's not like I even want to go. However it can get kinda lonely at home alone...

Yesterday was a fun day though, since it was only a half day, we got out before noon even! So we had a lot of time to mess around online. Although I wanted to play MineCraft with my bro, but without a valid premium log-on, we cannot start the launcher for the game... I can't seem to get my hands on one so we can't both play. I already snagged a launcher that runs for free while was down and launchers didn't need a valid password to run online, but my bro didn't even have his laptop yet, so the launcher wants a password to run before the Play Offline button will work... dangit, and I had finally gotten the MineCraft Alpha Server program to work...

Oh yeah, and despite me writing down my email address for the guy, I've still yet to receive the information to become the webmaster for the Radio Magruder website... Although I did manage to put up a facebook group...