I haven't forgotten you. See? XD. Anyways just mostly wanted to post because I haven't done so in awhile. I really haven't made any progress on my stories, so there. I blame college. My first semester, and 3 weeks in, I'm already working on a term paper... It's kind of hard to remember sometimes though, classes are only one semester long, not two, in college. I'm so used to each class taking up an entire year...
In other news all my Nerf stuff got here. It's pretty neat, though I can think of some ways it could be better. If I could execute what I have in my head, I'd be more than ready for Humans vs Zombies. I first have to install the Orange Mod Works kit (Stages 1 and 2 for Recon CS6). I think I can do it on my own , but I don't have a screwdriver to open up the gun. I'm looking to borrow one, but I don't really know who would have one. Okay then. See you all around!