Writer's Slang
- AU - Abbreviation for Alternate Universe. This describes when a cannon event has a different outcome, with the story progressing from there. A story without a cannon event CAN NOT be an AU.
- Cliché - An 'overused' (in general society) phrase, or event. Often predictable.
- Lemon - Explicit scenes of sexual intercourse.
- OC - Abbreviation for Original Character
- Omake Chapter - I believe "Omake" is Japanese but I'm not sure, so I will put it here. An Omake chapter is basically a bonus chapter. The chapter does not affect any ongoing storyline and can sometimes be thought of as a OneShot FanFic based on a FanFic.
- OneShot - A FanFiction story that is only one chapter long. Most OneShots will seem to have more of story than what is written, but will still only ever have the one chapter. The rest is left up to the reader's imagination.
- Plot Hole - A gap in a story's plot. Often confuses the reader.
- TF - Abbreviation for Transformation. This does not refer to a personality change. TF stories generally involve a character physically transforming into another. Examples include stories where Ash from Pokémon becomes a Pikachu for a day. (Fun Fact: This actually happened in the show.)
- Yaoi - (Origin: Japanese) Man on Man love or even sex. Please note that Yaoi is not necessarily explicit.
- Yuri - (Origin: Japanese) Woman on Woman love or even sex. Please note that Yuri is not necessarily explicit
- Baka - idiot
- Momentai - Origin: Digimon Season 3 (AKA Digimon Tamers) - Meaning: Relax, don't worry.
Note: This page will expand as authors use slang/non-English words. If you have anything you would like to add to this list, shoot me an email at drewster0@gmail.com.