Thursday, September 29, 2011


God, writers block is hitting hard yet again. Trying to overcome it by writing, but it's persistent, always blocking a plots path when its getting good. ABoIaS (A Being of Insect and Steel) is a victim of such. at least halfway through the full chapter 8, only to be blocked.

Right now, I'm trying to find other ways around said writers block, but so far nothing. I do tiny bits on my other stories that are on hold, which works to an extent.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

School promotes organized procrastination.

It really does. I'm still working out my schedule but I have so little time that if I don't have to do something right now I won't. All in the name of making way for things I do. I call it organized procrastination. School is demanding, very demanding I've already had two tests in the last three days! Oh well, you know, I just realized I have an assignment due to tomorrow I should be working on....I'll do it later. Wannabe Teacher procrastination for the win! I'm still settling into my schedule at school since it has me up at ungodly hours like i said but, I'm getting there, once I get it panned out I'll start working on my stories some more. I've been working on the current ones and a few new ones in my free time, nothing I'm comfortable posting just yet mind you because my writing style has changed again. But,I'll deal with that hurdle later too, after I finish my assignment. Night ya'll.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Well, here we are again! Only this time, I have something to actually report. I just finished writing chapter 3 of Pure Chaos! Aleron is going to look over it, hopefully soon, and then I will post it to FanFiction. Hopefully I'll find some time to start chapter 4 today, if not, well, I'll get to it when I can. 

On a side note, if you are in fact reading this post, and plan on coming back in the future to read more posts, me and the other writers would really appreciate it if you pushed the "Join Site" button over there in the right sidebar. It lets us know that people are actually care about us and haven't just stumbled across this site accidentally. And feel free to comment on our posts, most of us are very chatty, and like a good online conversation. And that requires you to participate too, since everyone stares at someone who talks to themselves, right? Well, sometimes anyway.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I haven't forgotten you. See? XD. Anyways just mostly wanted to post because I haven't done so in awhile. I really haven't made any progress on my stories, so there. I blame college. My first semester, and 3 weeks in, I'm already working on a term paper... It's kind of hard to remember sometimes though, classes are only one semester long, not two, in college. I'm so used to each class taking up an entire year...

In other news all my Nerf stuff got here. It's pretty neat, though I can think of some ways it could be better. If I could execute what I have in my head, I'd be more than ready for Humans vs Zombies. I first have to install the Orange Mod Works kit (Stages 1 and 2 for Recon CS6). I think I can do it on my own , but I don't have a screwdriver to open up the gun. I'm looking to borrow one, but I don't really know who would have one. Okay then. See you all around!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Welcome to college. There's plenty to do here, other then school stuff." They said. Yeah, not. I am SOO bored right now. The Rec Room doesn't open until 3PM even on weekends for some reason. Whatever, that's not really what I want to write about today. I got a decent spread of stuff to talk about today so, that should keep us both entertained for about... 20 minutes for me and maybe the 5 to 10 minutes it takes you to read this whole post...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello, guess what I just did? I finished Legend of Lucario! Like it will say in the chapter, I am both happy and sad to have finished the story. It's great and all that I have a finished multi-chapter story. I just feel like there should be more. But I have at least one more story to work on, and maybe that Legendz story

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Well, kinda boring over the past month since my last post. Writers block hitting me hard, sis trying to 'Mother Hen' me time and time again, etc. Wish I could be able to just snap my fingers and writers block would be gone....Heh, if only it was that easy.

Was able to go to my uncles over the weekend. Used to go over there plenty of times before I started writing fanfics.

Anyway, Ask the Characters is currently on it's eighth chapter, with the ninth in the works. A Being of Insect and Steel has hit the writers block wall again, thinking on how to proceed for one part for the full eighth chapter.

I'll post again when something worth noting turns up.

See ya next time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

College Life: Day 9

I still can't believe how natural this all feels to me. It's like I've been at college my entire life or something. I mean, I could probably get to my dorm from the dining hall blindfolded already. I can already manage my schedule, making sure I get my butt out of bed in time for classes and other activities. Wow... I really don't have a whole lot more than that to say. If feels like each day is passing rather slowly, but at the same time, it's already day 9... then again, I've got a LONG way to go still. I don't know. Maybe it's just my brain acting strange again. Today I have my first actual meeting with the McDaniel Free Press, for which I am now in charge of posting certain articles and also producing a video each week. I hope that they give me equipment to use, but I've got my own just in case. I should probably get back to work on both my stories. I say both of them cause I got a couple reviews for Legend of Lucario recently that are asking me to please continue, so I need to get my rear in gear. Hey, that rhymed. Cool. I haven't written anything for either that or Pure Chaos since my last post. Mostly cause my writing program crashed and I've been too lazy to re-open it. XD

And now, for a completely random and unrelated joke:

"I have CDO. It's like OCD but the letters are in order like they should be."

Friday, September 2, 2011

College Life: Day 4

Ok, maybe technically day 5, but I don't care. I just got back from the opening "Party" for the Rec Lounge here at McDaniel College. It was fun. I played Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, Dance Central(Kinect game), and Kinect Adventures. Really I only picked up Adventures cause Dance Central decided to stop working. The party was fun. I ended up playing through all 6 parts of Rush's song "2112" on GH. Yeah, that took almost a half an hour all on it's own. Did I mention I was on Expert? Then I wiped myself out playing Kinect games. That was fun and stuff... yeah... I really just said that didn't I? Oh well. It's 1:06 AM so...

I also got set up with the McDaniel Free Press group today. I am to be in charge of posting the Arts articles and also I am supposed to try and produce one video each week for the group... Oh man that's gonna be a lot of work if I want to have good quality video. I just hope that they give me good topics and point me in the direction of what they want me to say about the topic. I'm not good at inventing the content. I just move it to the video format. If you know what I mean....

Hmmm... what else happened today... not much. Oh well. I'm gonna get some sleep now. I have to be up at 8 in the morning so I can get some breakfast before my 9:10 class. See you around.

College = Headache

I'm a sophomore so college has kinda lost it's novelty and after all the things I had to go through with Purdue college is kinda lack luster for me. I've switched collages though and in three days I've already had a much better experience! I'm taking night classes so i'm going to be up late a lot both doing homework and whatnot before I crash. It's day four of college here at IUS and since I have a four day week I'm done for the week even if I still have tons of homework to do and another quiz and another forum post...did I mention I have errands to run later today? Ah! I have no free time it's an illusion! right now I'm wavering between my majors. I'm almost done with my associates in electrical enegineering but I don't want to do that anymore I hate it...HATE it. So now I'm considering whether I want to teach math or science in middle school. I may eventually end up finishing my degree in ECET but not for a while yet it looks like. A short update on my stories i'm still not done editing them i kinda had to push them back to fend off some real world troubles i have't forgotten about them but it will be a while yet before I update them. Though my writing class might help with my horrible habit of spelling words phonically. Cause that's how I spell by how the word sounds. Night all.