Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Okay, seeing that I haven't done a post in a while, I feel like updating today.

First, the Omake chapter I've been working on. It's nearing completion, which I'm glad for since it was taking almost three or so months from start to finish to write it. It will be long, and I'm thinking it would do well as a stand-alone one-shot.

Second, I'm sorry for the lack of updates for my stories over the past month. Writers block, combined with laziness, make for a deadly combo in writing. I am trying my best to work around this, but so far, progress is slow. I am, however, working small bits on all stories, meaning that when I get them done, one or more of my stories might be updated on the same day.

Third, the annoying-as-hell plot bunnies. I am trying to keep them away, put a persistent few keep slipping past. It's because of those that I feel like making a FictionPress acount, which I won't.

That's all I got and I will update as more things pop up.

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