Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Refresh, Reboot, Reinstall, Reckage

This has been terrible. I'm sure Nano posted it somewhere, but let me explain again in case he didn't do it clearly enough.

So I was minding my business one day when suddenly, a window came up saying that "My computer was infected and the only way to stop it was to buy the full version of Microsoft Antivirus". However, I faced this problem before. This virus was really a scam! I closed it out, because there was no way I was going to buy it when it was for naught and it cost eighty bucks. However, the computer banned me from opening any programs. Programs like the Internet, Skype, Microsoft Word, and even My Documents and Solitaire! Without nothing else to possibly do, I had to reinstall my computer to when it was first started up almost three years ago. I backed up as many photos and documents as I possibly could, but all my non-default programs got deleted.

And here I am again, with a new computer and old documents. I was afraid We are the Smashers 2 wouldn't be updated, and although I could rely on Nano, I didn't feel safe with giving away any passwords because I never felt safe with giving out personal information. But it's all over now! The conclusion is that Microsoft was desperate to get money and they tried to force me into buying their overpriced item. From now on, I shall eagerly await the day I get a Mac.

I will see you guys next time!

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