Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ow... that's all I can really think about right now. My shoulder is killing me. Why? I'm not entirely sure, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I have been playing my brand new electric guitar almost non-stop for three days. Yeah, you heard me. New electric guitar. It's kind of awesome. And it has a neck strap so I'm not stuck in one place while playing. Cool huh? But now my shoulder is sore. The weird part is it's not the shoulder I put the neck strap on... Go figure. But man. Stuff happened today. Well, some stuff. Some of the stuff I got to tell you guys about happened a few days ago, but you know what? My shoulder hurts to much to care.

Ok then. First off, Fanfiction. Guess what? I am currently more than halfway done with my first chapter of Pure Chaos. I think I like that name. Although I guess I shouldn't really... stop. Bad Andrew. No spoilers. Tehe, you'll just have to wait to find out what I'm thinking. I know I said I wanted to finish Legend of Lucario and work on Pony-taur next, but like I said in my last post, I'm sick of Pokémon stuff. This will be my first story with a shifting PoV, so I hope that I can do this well, although I am so far enjoying writing with different personalities.

Next I'm a little bit disappointed in what I found out yesterday. It has to do with my Memory Unit for the xBox 360. Guess what? The newest model doesn't have the ports to be able to use the Memory Unit. Thankfully at least, I found out that I already had something that could be used as a memory unit. Get this: ANY USB storage device can be formatted by your xBox to be a memory unit. It will allow any one device to store up to 16 Gigs of data, minimum of 1 gig. So I whipped out my old flash drive a few minutes ago, and now I have a storage device that I can even fit all my DLC on to! And thankfully all this was discovered soon enough that I was able to return the old MU for a full refund. YAY!

Speaking of DLC, I heard back from Activision last night that my RMA went through, they are sending me a new DJ Hero 2 turntable. And I don't even have to return the old one! Bonus! Now I can earn all the achievements! To celebrate I plan on buying a DLC pack of songs.

One last thing. I'm thinking about inviting some of my fellow writers to join my blog. If this happens, though, I will need to change the URL of the blog. I want your opinions on weather or not I should make this a place for other writers to share their progress and lives (If they want) and you can come to one place for many updates. I will set up a poll to last for only a few days, and then based on the response, act. I will at least take your votes in mind when I make a decision. Leave a comment if you want to say why you think what you think too! That'll sway me a bit more.

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