Friday, December 30, 2011

Food for thought

I'm feeling oddly philosophical right now for some reason. I feel like thinking about what FanFiction, or just Fiction in general means. I'm gonna go on a bit of a rant here. If you feel like reading my theories that I am coming up with now, read on. A bit of warning though, it's not very organized, as I write these thoughts as they come to mind.

Hey everyone CRIL and boy is vacation.....different. I'm currently under the fight of trying not to overdo myself with too much ideas (some of you probably know what happened *cough* failed *cough*). Another thing I'm doing is spending time with my little sister watching Thats 70s Show which helped understand of getting the setting for Blossom Creek (can you guess the time setting "hint hint") and having a super difficult time migrating from one pc to another after my laptop commited suicide awhile back and thank ryu for showing me dropbox and docs or else i would MIA. Anyways, rehearsals and other school stuff are beginning to get into my free tome January 2012 so Ill be behind even more.....yay. Hopefully everyone has an awesome new year and ready for finals and other important things that just makes people all freaking out.

Currently working
  • Cringe (finale)
  • Our War Game
  • Night Ember
  • Blossom Creek
  • War Song (in planing stage)
  • Possesed
  • Broken Harmonies (song
  • Maybe a script???
  • Parody of escape (maybe)
From the guy with the magic shiny pencil,