Sunday, September 25, 2011

Well, here we are again! Only this time, I have something to actually report. I just finished writing chapter 3 of Pure Chaos! Aleron is going to look over it, hopefully soon, and then I will post it to FanFiction. Hopefully I'll find some time to start chapter 4 today, if not, well, I'll get to it when I can. 

On a side note, if you are in fact reading this post, and plan on coming back in the future to read more posts, me and the other writers would really appreciate it if you pushed the "Join Site" button over there in the right sidebar. It lets us know that people are actually care about us and haven't just stumbled across this site accidentally. And feel free to comment on our posts, most of us are very chatty, and like a good online conversation. And that requires you to participate too, since everyone stares at someone who talks to themselves, right? Well, sometimes anyway.