Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Welcome to college. There's plenty to do here, other then school stuff." They said. Yeah, not. I am SOO bored right now. The Rec Room doesn't open until 3PM even on weekends for some reason. Whatever, that's not really what I want to write about today. I got a decent spread of stuff to talk about today so, that should keep us both entertained for about... 20 minutes for me and maybe the 5 to 10 minutes it takes you to read this whole post...

The first thing is: HUMANS VS ZOMBIES! It's a nation-wide gaming phenomenon. Ok, it's not really gaming, but it is a game. Not a video game. Check your college campus for a club and I highly recommend joining if you have one, or trying to start one if you don't. Here are the basics: you have humans and zombies. Duh. The humans get to carry Nerf (or knockoff brands) guns, and shoot the zombies. The Humans will have some sort of objective to accomplish, while the zombies just want all the humans to be their lunch. Exact rules vary by campus, so here's the basic ruleset for a one-night survive game.

  1. Weapons:
    1. Nerf Guns:
      1. Mods ARE allowed, but to the gun itself only. No CO2 compressors or anything like that. Spring mechanism for firing only.
      2. Weapons may NOT be colored anywhere near a normal gun. You must have bright colors so that campus security does not think you have a real gun. A good guideline is to make sure that you keep any orange or yellow on your gun in place.
      3. Ammo: We have a community ammo bank of non-streamline darts, but this is not a requirement. EXPECT TO LOSE ALL YOUR AMMO! As you will most likely lose most of it.
      4. A tip: Find a gun that works for you. Some people like the single shot blasters that don't use clips. I myself though, prefer the clip based guns, especially since I also happen to be decent at loading them without the use of a clip, hehehehe...
        1. Clip Benefits:
          1. High rate of fire
          2. Speedy reload
          3. Multiple rounds (6 or 35 depending on clip, assuming clip is filled to capacity) per reload.
        2. Clip Drawbacks:
          1. Clips are bulky
          2. Loading clips is very time consuming
          3. Darts stored in clips for a long period of time, may be ruined
        3. Single shot guns don't have to worry about clips, but they must carry their ammo in a pocket or something, and must reload after each shot. The only real benefit is that they don't have to have a loaded clip to fire.
    2. Sock Grenades:
      1. Balled up socks. You may duct tape them to keep them compact if you wish.
      2. You may NOT put rocks or other hard objects into them.
    3. Melee: NONE.
    4. Overall: A good guideline is that if you wouldn't want to get hit by it, don't use it.
  2. Identification: (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
    1. ALL players must have a clearly visible bandana on at all times. The position of the Bandana indicates team and status.
      1. Humans: Wear bandana on arm or leg.
      2. Zombies: Wear bandana around head.
    2. Bandanas may be any color you wish.
    3. Bandanas may not be hidden by clothes.
  3. Objectives:
    1. Humans: Survive until time expires.
    2. Zombies: Eat all the Humans.
  4. Tagging:
    1. Zombie is Shot:
      1. The zombie is 'dead'
      2. Move your bandana around your neck
      3. You may not tag any players for the next 5 minutes, however you may still move and communicate with other zombies.
      4. After 5 minutes, move the bandana back to your head to indicate that you are back in play.
    2. Humans:
      1. Friendly Fire: No penalty.
      2. Human is tagged by Zombie:
        1. Human is bitten.
        2. Move bandana to neck for 5 minutes.
        3. This is your "Incubation" period, during this time you may hand off any remaining supplies you have to teammates and find somewhere to hide. You are not in play during this period.
        4. Welcome to the Zombie horde.
  5. Game Over:
    1. This particular game ends when time is up. If there are Humans left, they win.

Like I said, this is just the sketch for the basic rules that we use at McDaniel for a one night survival game. Some campuses play games that last for an entire semester each. Sleep with your gun under you pillow humans, and pray your roommate isn't a zombie! There was a point in here somewhere... Oh yeah, rule sets vary, so make sure you know what the rules are for each game.

On a completely unrelated note, I received a "challenge" today. I really don't think that they should be called that though, they're more like requests. Anyways, pen name Storylover213 asked me to write a Pokémon story that was along the lines of the A New Chance at Life by ARCEUS-master. S/He wanted me to just use different pokémon and stuff. I said I'd think about it. Mostly because of the fact that I'm kinda sick of all the Pokémon in the C2 I'm a staff member of right now. Plus I also want to talk to ARCEUS-master about it first, since it would be so close to his story, I feel like I'd be ripping off ideas. Speaking of him, I've been trying to get him to join the site but he doesn't seem to be responding to my messages about it. I don't know what I should infer by that but I'm gonna lay off for a while. Anyways I'm adding it to the Story Board under Planned as Storylover213 Challenge although I will change the title if/when I decide to write the story.

I have one last thought to leave you all with. Why does everyone look at me kinda funny while I play Guitar Hero on Expert and "go crazy" while playing? Do they think it's weird that I move around so much, or do they think it's cool I can manage to still play well? I have no idea.

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